Welcome to Te Puke Sports & Recreation Club
Te Puke Sports & Recreation Club was established at a meeting held at the Te Puke hotel in June 1910. Since then, it has been Te Puke’s strongest and most successful sports club.
In a book written about the club, the authors stated that “to understand how the club originated it is essential to go back to the very early times in Te Puke when rugby was in its infancy but at the same time was very much the cornerstone of town and district sporting and social activity”. Today, over 100 years later, Te Puke Sports is still the town’s cornerstone sports club. The longevity of the club is no accident; for decades the club has benefited from stable and visionary administration.
Milestones of the club’s history include the building of clubrooms on the corner of King Street and Commerce Lane in 1971 and the purchase of 11.6 acres of land on Atuaroa Avenue in 1979. On this land the club established its headquarters, two playing fields and a gymnasium built to international playing standards. Today, very few clubs in New Zealand can claim to own such facilities on a totally freehold basis.
Club membership is strong with more than 200 JAB (junior rugby) players, two senior rugby and four netball teams, a Golden Oldies team and a large number of coaches, managers, administrators and supporters. Recently, an “Old Pirates”group was formed to support the welfare of players and for the betterment of club facilities. Alone, this group of ex players and supporters has a membership exceeding 100. Combined, the club’s membership is approximately 500.
Our club is built on a proud history and tradition that has set very high standards and disciplines that have enabled a large number of players to progress to higher honours with Bay of Plenty and New Zealand Representative teams. Over the years a large number of players have joined Te Puke Sports and the fact that very few leave our club to play for other clubs in the region is perhaps our best advertisement.


Murray and Heather Salt
33 Years of Sponsorship